There is no better time to engage and inspire ocean advocates than childhood. Start out by creating under the sea sensory bin. It's an easy set up, recreating sea foam and having young ones search for shells and more.
Ocean Sensory Bin
- Long container (any size will do)
- Shells – we collected our from the beach
- A scoop, tea strainers and sponge
- Shaving cream
- Liquid water color (food coloring works as well)
Add sand, water beads, and other ocean-themed objects. We kept it simple and used what we found at the beach.
Through the use of seashells, plant life, and ocean animals, children can learn to identify ocean life as well as engage in dramatic play.
What did you find in the ocean?
What different things can we find in the ocean?
What is your favorite part of going to the beach?
Please tag me in your creations on Instagram and FB and use the hashtag #EXPLORERARTLAB to spread the word. We hope you enjoy this activity and thank you for being part of our community to grow "Everyday Creative Explorers".